Being Aware of Your Unawareness

As long as we have a physical body, we would have imbalanced energies. Sadhguru called this karma the richness of life. My teacher called it a gift, that allowed us to have a life. I am not as experienced as them, I call it lessons.

Whether it is a lesson, a seed, or a drama, these imbalanced energies are what make our every experience, including an experience with a therapist.

In an earlier post I mentioned that we attract our therapists (this was originally mentioned by Seth in Seth Materials), meaning what kind of imbalanced energies we have, will determine what kind of therapists we will attract, and also the kind of interactions we will have with them. This also means that if you do not have the molecules of being supported and understood, you will most likely attract a therapist like that, if you choose to find yourself a therapist.

Whatever your reason or problem for needing a therapist, you might end up keeping or reinforcing that even if you do find a therapist. The root does not uproot itself, and you may get a bandaid solution or temporary solution.

This is the same even if you look for a teacher, coach, mentor, doctor, healer, etc. The imbalanced energies work the same way. I have the same problem with my teacher, and I have been staring at those problems since day one.

Even if I paid for the courses, that does not guarantee that I will receive 100% of the benefits. Because both me and her have the same underlying imbalanced energies, and when we interact and share the same energy field, these energies will manifest.

Previously I had regular discussions with a friend about some of the common problems in human interactions, in common settings like the workplace, team environment, domestic sphere, etc., and she would ask me, “So what’s the solution?”

“Self-awareness,” that’s my answer, almost every single time, for the person with the problem.

If I were to work with a client, the first thing that I would do, is not to pay attention to her, but to pay attention to my reactions to her. More specifically, to watch the interactions of the underlying imbalanced energies between us. This energetic entanglement must be disentangled first before I step in as a healer or teacher.

This is also what Eckhart Tolle, although he explained it differently.

There are some psychologists, healers, and so on who work in their profession without this knowledge and awareness. If that’s the case, then the resulting interaction is a lesson both to the client as well as to the healer.

I have been in the above situations many times, as a client, spending lots of money on those healers most of whom would say at the end of the sessions: “I have never had this before,” and thus had learned something valuable from me while at the same time getting paid by me, until I decided that I must do it myself instead, and thus started following a teacher and studying.

As already mentioned, my teacher also gave me exactly the same problem, but at that point I already have the knowledge and awareness to work on the underlying entanglements.

. . .

Last couple of weeks, I have been healing (1) my healing process–the procedures, my state of mind, etc., and (2) my healing journey all these years.

Later I did the same thing by scanning the overarching energies of healing a particular problem. Then I continued to scan other overarching energies.

I am not sure which dimensions and layers I am scanning. I just know that there are a lot of energies that I am not aware of. So instead of not knowing what I don’t know but think that I know, I am aware that there is a chunk that I know I am not seeing, and I am trying to get rid of my blindspots and my unawareness.

If you are stuck in a situation, relationship, problem, for a long time, you most likely have a lot of blindspots, and are unaware of what you are unaware of. This state of existence is quite chronic in some people, and to exit this pattern when you’re blind, you need to hire a therapist who has this awareness.

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