Watching a Drama in Real Life

Eckhart Tolle once made a joke saying that the news was the deepest manifestation of the unconscious, and they should change the name. So he said, “Six o’clock deepest manifestation of the unconscious.”

The audience roared with laughter.

I am opening this post with this joke because I had a similar feeling toward a mass event happening right here in my condo complex. At an AGM of the condo board, several homeowners were venting their discontent.

I understood every one of their frustrations, anger, powerlessness, etc. But I felt somewhat detached as I watched their emotional outbursts flying around the meeting hall. I just watched the energetic intertwining among three groups–homeowners, condo board, property management company–and I thought, ‘Wow, these issues would be nearly impossible to dissolve at the molecular level,’ because every single instance of energetic injection, in other words, every single instance of giving attention to it, would grow the original bundle of energy that manufactured the physical event in the first place.

Then I remembered Eckhart once said that when he used to be a healer listening to his clients problems, he would smile quietly, knowing that their problems weren’t real, because at a deeper level there really wasn’t any problem. I felt the same way as I sat in the AGM as one of the homeowners. I felt amused by the drama. It was better than watching a movie, because this was real movie acting out in front of me (don’t miss it because there is no rewind button), while I could choose to play any role I wanted in it, not necessarily an aggrieved homeowner, but perhaps an alien who had recently landed on planet Earth and was discovering all these strange ways about the homo sapiens.

At the risk of sounding as if I was enjoying fellow homeowners’ miseries, I must say I am genuinely amused!

One of their concerns was water issue. Our buildings tended to have all kinds of water accidents such as flooding toilet, flooding bathtub, flooding kitchen sink (not sure if I heard it right or not), manufacturer defect in the water pipes that needed retrofitting in the entire building, etc. The property management company said, “Your building has more water issues than all our portfolio of properties combined.”

That sounded very exaggerating, but I not only believe it, I know it’s true, only because I have previously asked my soul about fixing it. There’s too much water element in the complex. So whenever there is a little bit of energetic turbulence in the residents, that psychological volatility easily spills over to the water element in their home to manifest an outburst or some sort of water incident. My soul advised me to address my own water element issue first before I worry about the complex. I have an aversion toward too much water. I don’t like humidity. I like it dry and arid.

Although I would like to manage the complex better (do something about it), energetically speaking, I find that it is better off without my interference, because I tend to unknowingly project negativities into it when I do. It is better to stay present and witness the drama unperturbed, just like Eckhart did to his clients–be a source of stillness–because that is how all the goodness from Source can pour in, and radiate out to effect those around me.

One response to “Watching a Drama in Real Life”

  1. […] that the water element in my condo complex was so messed up that the condo management company said, of all the properties in its portfolio combined, our complex had the most flooding incidents. So when I say I have a water element problem, it is actually at a catastrophical […]


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