Neurotransmission In a Healing Session

“Are you seeing my brain secreting these neurotransmitters?” I asked the human soul who was helping me with molecular disintegration to release imbalanced energies.

“No, the brain is not secreting them, but I’m seeing them circulating around the brain carrying the loving vibes.”

I was intrigued by his comment and observation of my brain activity, for one thing, because I thought that the brain is the place that secretes these molecules. So this morning I Googled up to find where is the location of secretion, and the internet says nervous system (neurons and glial cells). There are some neurotransmitters that are released by the hypothalamus, which is a structure in the brain.

But based on what the human soul observed in me, the secretion was not from my hypothalamus. It was, however, able to observe in me that the secretion calmed my whole person down, bringing me to a state of balance, wholeness, love, peace, harmony with the universe, and acceptance. 

Just for your contextual understanding, I was disintegrating a neurotransmitter that carried a lot of emotions, mostly sadness. After breaking the molecular bond one by one, releasing the emotional charges that hold the unconscious thoughts in the atoms, my brain automatically kicked in to comfort me with loving thoughts. It’s not my conscious mind trying to comfort myself, it’s another part of my brain that was automatically activated, and that’s the brain activity I asked that human soul to observe in me.

But it doesn’t really have very conclusive answers for me as to where these loving and comforting thoughts came from. I asked if the loving (balanced) energies carried in these newly secreted neurotransmitters came from Source. It said it’s not sure. I asked if it had visibility in the dimension of Source, it said no.

Source is at or beyond the twelfth dimension. Soul is in the sixth and seventh dimensions.

. . .

The other intriguing comment from this human soul is that he said the imbalanced energies that I released through molecular disintegration in that session was very painful, that he could feel the pain as he observed me disintegrate whereas in previous sessions he did not feel the emotions that I released during my disintegration process.

“Does your human also have similar vibes?” I asked for comparison as a way of understanding myself by contrasting with another human.

“No. He has a lot of sad energies, but they are not as painful as yours.”

So with this contextual information, I can better understand why the non-thinking part of my brain would automatically kick in as soon as I finished disintegration. After this step of comforting and calming me down, I asked the human soul, “Is there more to disintegrate in that molecule?”


So my brain seems to automatically proceed to the next steps in my healing process (there are a few steps, and molecular disintegration is one of them), which is what we both try to comprehend–the intelligence of the human mind, or perhaps just the intelligence of my mind.

But intuitively I already know, deep down, I now see it clearly, that the healing intelligence that my physical body acquired from the dimension of Source through my neurotransmitters is causing my brain to automatically kick into healing mode.

This is not a writing about bridging science with spirituality, it is about bridging science to spirituality, because spirituality is in everything, including science.

The bridge is the neurotransmitter, which carries the energies from Source or other dimensions of the universe, all of which have always existed within the body, as different dimensions meshed in one physical location. To access the nourishments and wisdom in Source, one needs to come to a state of balance, and that’s one of the reasons I disintegrate a lot of molecules, to release the imbalanced energies within them.

It is however not correct to say that duality does not exist in Source, because all the energies that come out of Source and then start to split into two extremes in the universe, they all originate in Source. So although duality does not exist in Source, the seed of duality exists in Source, and so by extension, the potentialities of duality exist in Source. That’s the explanation from my soul.

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