What Some Souls Choose To Experience

Both Eckhart Tolle and Jian Xiang Ting the Taiwanese spiritual teacher said that you don’t have to pay too much attention to connect to higher beings like the Archangels or beings from other planets or whatever. Actually I think Eckhart doesn’t really recommend it, and Xiang Ting also doesn’t talk about it, but if you choose to use those beings, that’s fine too.

I agree with them, while at the same time I also use a lot of different beings.

What I have come to learn is that, if the soul needs to learn and grow, then the growth must happen without much reliance of those beings, that the discovery and learning process must be free of external intervention such that it doesn’t deprive or I want to say, taint, the soul’s process of learning from its mistakes.

I feel that this period is a bit like dark night of the soul, whatever that term comes to mean, but to me, it means a period of darkness where the soul–actually to me it’s more like the human–fumble and stumble in the darkness.

The light switch may be only two inches from your finger tips, but in total darkness you may grope and grope and still not find it. Alas, such fear, frustration, hopelessness, despair, etc.

There were periods of time when I had a bit more vision into the spiritual world, and better hearing. It’s not because my soul intended me to have psychic abilities. It’s just for my learning. After that, I don’t have those abilities any.

Similarly, there were periods of time when I used the Archangels very regularly. But not right now. I’m in another period of darkness.

I didn’t understand this until yesterday. What I didn’t understand way, why my deceased relatives’ spirits just looked at me, from the other side, perhaps offering a couple words of comfort, encouragement, assurance, etc., but didn’t actually help me. I thought, “Fine.”

Now I know. They were told not to intervene.

. . .

Believe it or not, I asked my soul, “Do you have anyone to guide you through this?” I knew it wanted to cross the border (to move from one soul stage to another, within a human lifetime instead of between lifetimes), and me the human was a bit worried because I didn’t want us to be in a situation of the blind leading the blind.


“Is it my inner self?” I wondered who would be guiding it.


Oh, thank goodness!

. . .

Human souls are free to design their lifetimes how ever they want. It is fascinating to witness the life trajectories of some of the humans. When I look at Jian Xiang Ting’s soul, I was surprised to learn that in this lifetime, it had crossed two borders (jumped two soul stages). More surprising is that, this is not the first lifetime that her soul has done this.

“Is this your first lifetime that you try to jump two soul stages?” I asked my soul.


. . .

I never knew such a human life design would even be conceivable, until now.

When I look at Eckhart’s soul, I have this prejudiced impression that an advanced or evolved soul would be mellow and calm. But no, a soul has many different qualities, just like a human has many different sides–sometimes calm sometimes mad. When a soul is at the evolved stage, its calm and understanding side will be more prominent. When a soul is at a less evolved stage, it will show the qualities that is necessary for that stage.

As my soul and me crossed from one soul stage to another, its personality changed quite dramatically. And so mine too.

“When Eckhart was 29, did his soul cross to another stage?” I asked.


. . .

Many years ago, I learned from someone that your soul doesn’t change in one lifetime, or your soul’s plan or soul script doesn’t change in one lifetime. Now, I learned that there is no standard. Because it’s totally up to the soul what it wishes to experience.

There are some evolved souls who have experienced many thousands of years of reincarnation, and yet they still do not have the intention to graduate from reincarnation.

Being evolved doesn’t mean that it will graduate. But graduation means that it can exit this planet to go back to Source, or go to another universe. Not graduating means it either hangs on this planet, with or without a physical body. Currently, there are many hanging souls without a physical body. They’re like high school dropouts. They don’t want to finish school. They just stop reincarnating, which is also an option, but because they didn’t graduate, they cannot exit Earth. So they hang here.

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