Challenges That Souls Seek

“Were you at an evolved stage in your immediately preceding lifetime?” I asked, after thinking about the blind leading the blind yesterday which didn’t make sense, because how could my soul have the capacity to guide me through a crossing while disallowing me the guidance of other spirits?


“But you didn’t find that lifetime challenging enough?”


. . .

I keep seeing all the incredible challenges that my soul throws at me over the years, and pushing me through when there’s a thick concrete wall in front of me. I have cleared a lot of past life memories, and in the process, I have a general inkling of its nature–highly ambitious.

When I saw my deceased Liang ancestor spirits lined up, sat back, and watched me (and my soul), the message was: “Now it’s not them helping me, but me helping them.”

And consistently, over the years, whether it’s me connecting to my ancestor spirits or some healers doing it for me, it’s the same result–my father’s side outnumbered my mother’s side significantly, even after I have released many ancestral and tribal imbalanced energies over a period of weeks.

I thought there would be a balance of spirits from both paternal and maternal sides coming through, especially after I released the imbalanced energies, but now I realize that beyond the parental level, at the grandparent level and up, the distribution of DNA isn’t exactly half. By spiritual means, instead of by scientific means, I have come to discover that I inherit more of my paternal genes.

“How many of them are here?” I asked my soul, as I could only recognized the spirits of the relatives that I had seen, either in real life or in photos, but I could sense a lot more than that, it’s just that they kind of showed up like a blur image.

“Those that shared your DNA.”

“93, 94, 95, 96, and 97?” I asked. I’m the 97th generation of the Liang’s tree rooted in Zhongshan city.

“YES!” But the number is expanding, as my soul moves deeper into my unconscious layer, it awakens the ancestral spirits who shared the genetic memory with me at those layers. Deceased spirits only stick around when their alive loved ones think of them; and so those really old spirits generally would have dispersed into the universe. My soul is essentially reassembling them from the universe.

Now I am starting to comprehend why people say when you heal, you are healing seven generations back and seven generations forward. The first person to say it to me was my flower essences therapist Roberta. Then I saw the same message again somewhere on a spiritual website. Now I am seeing this on a scientific website:

At seven generations back, less than 1% of your DNA is likely to have come from any given ancestor.

. . .

This genetic memory is what Sadhguru the Indian mystic termed genetic karma. He says karma is not a bad thing; it gives you the richness of life.

Another type of memory is the soul’s past life memory. That also is not a bad thing, but I consciously release them because these imbalanced energies being stuck in my body causes a type of energetic stagnation and affects my energy flow.

Sadhguru’s method of dealing with this situation is to detach from it, instead of releasing it. That method is for souls who are at the evolved stage, because if they are at a younger stage, they will be met with a lot of resistance when trying to detach.

However, when the soul is at the evolved stage, they don’t react negatively, they don’t resist, they don’t complain, they are more ready to just look and accept the situation, no matter how dire it is.

Eckhart talks a lot about looking and accepting without resistance or reaction, that’s because his students are mostly evolved souls. But for my case, I find Jian Xiang Ting the Taiwanese spiritual teacher’s method a bit more workable.

Her soul teaches the students to use various different physical movements and postures to surrender, to Heaven, to Earth, to different dimensions of consciousness, to one’s situation, etc.

My soul typically takes the lead in guiding me to do different postures and movements, and the effects are very obvious. The imbalanced energies that are still in my body would not have to go through the conscious identification and release process, but rather, would simply melt and come to a state of balance within me.

The moment of balancing is the moment of enlightenment. YES

Enlightenment happens in the distance, the detachment, the dis-identification from the physical illusion. While you are still in your physical body, looking at your physical reality, you look at it from the psychological vantage point of that gap. That is your state of enlightenment. YES

There are different levels of enlightenment. YES!

Looking at physical reality from the vantage point of your inner self, and consciously bringing it to the foreground until it pours forth its essences into your physicality, that’s another level of enlightenment. Inner self is at the 10th dimension, which has more of the essences in Source. Human soul is at the 6th or 7th, the latter is for those souls who do more things in the universe.

Eckhart has mentioned that you can become more and more still or silent with practice. That’s a sign of moving into deeper levels of enlightenment.

. . .

It fascinates me to see different kinds of evolved souls. They don’t have to be spiritual teachers or be spiritual at all. They can be absolutely ordinary, but if an evolved soul meets another evolved soul, they will know immediately, because it’s a very specific vibe–peaceful, mellow, gentle. YES!

And it fascinates me to find that one of my friends is a very evolved soul who is aiming to cross three soul age stages in this lifetime (the human is not consciously aware of it, usually the human is kept in the dark). The signs are all there …

When I used to participate in a spiritual forum, people bashed at me when I said I was an old soul. True that me the human didn’t exhibit the characteristics of an old soul at the time, but that did not mean that my soul wasn’t already at that age. It’s just that my soul chose to re-live a younger stage, just for a period of time, to balance some of its past life memories, as balancing is the key part of graduating from reincarnation.

Souls can design their human lives how ever they want, just like I can eat whatever I want for lunch.

Me the human has the habit of looking at other human souls. So when I see my friend’s difficult life trajectory, and realize that his soul wants to cross three soul age stages, I am awed. Talk about ambition!

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