Being Present, Being in Source

“What’s the difference between using stones and doing magic?” I asked my soul after a stone that I programmed helped me with an issue.

“Programming and using stones, is a process that you’re naturally going to wean off.”

. . .

My soul doesn’t allow me to use magic, so I have never been interested in magic, regardless of whether it is black or white. Magic magnifies the imbalanced energies that create a situation, as it goes against those energies, so that’s like pendulum swing–magic makes the pendulum swings the other way, and since we are on planet Earth, a place of duality, it will eventually swing back, but with an even larger force.

Currently, I’m on a seven-week course with Jian Xiang Ting the Taiwanese spiritual teacher to learn an ancient Inca method of programming stones. She said when she first started learning it from one of Osho’s advisers, Sadhana, she was taught to just do it for 49 days, and after that she would know that it worked.

During that 49 days, she didn’t know what she was doing nor what to expect, and then after that, one day she started to use the stone on her client, and it actually worked, even though she was very doubtful of her own ability. Then over the course of her career, she eventually grew out of this method, as she soon developed the ability to channel.

For me, the stones were already giving me advices and energies at the beginning, without having to follow through with her instructions.

I am not sure where I am going with this. But I do feel that the stones are not the destination. It’s not like I will be relying on them. The true value of this 49-day period is not in the stones, but in the growth during this period. So what the stones are helping me with now, I don’t think that’s where the prize is, because I can already start to feel that I am growing out of it, without even having finished the course.

I am beginning to understand, that I do not need any stone, or any magic. I just need to be present, in every moment of my existence, and that means standing in Source and let whatever essences I need pour forth from Source. And this is what Eckhart has been teaching, that you don’t need any angels (but if you do, that’s okay too), you just need to be present.

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