Healing Only When You’re Alive

I was guided to heal Ling Ling, my cousin’s grief of losing her sister Kun Kun, but without her conscious awareness. I didn’t fully how that’s possible. Regardless, I did it anyway, with Kun Kun guiding me to the root of it, and when I tuned in to the root, I released very intense imbalanced energy, more intense than Ling Ling’s.

Then I realized we shared the same imbalanced energy, which was genetically in us, therefore as I released mine, I effected her genetic energy field as well. So she didn’t have to heal herself and yet was healed.

“I’m sorry that we weren’t there for you when your mother passed,” Kun Kun said. None of my relatives supported me emotionally, and my father expected me to support him instead, and when I didn’t, he roared at me, in front of everyone.

No one stood by me. No one comforted me. No one spoke up for me.

. . .

I didn’t understand why they would want me to do the healing for them instead, so I consulted my soul, and it said:

“It does not benefit the deceased spirits to pull out their imbalanced energies.” YES!

Because they do not have a physical body, which means they are not subjected to the effect of Earth’s gravitational pull, hence irrespective of how the yin and yang energies operate on them (and their imbalanced energies), they would not feel the effect at all, since a pendulum cannot swing when there is no gravitational pull. YES

If they pull out the energies to help me release those in me, then my soul would be deprived of that growth opportunity. Whatever the spirits wish to do to me, their intervention must first be approved by my soul. YES

. . .

I asked about the DNA vibration in deceased spirits.

“Each deceased spirit chooses what the part of the DNA vibration that he wishes to carry–usually the most loving part–in order to continue on his relationship with his surviving loved ones, because their loving memory of him sustains his spirit.”

I asked whether related deceased spirits could sustain themselves eternally.

“The emotional bond that sustains them is fueled by energetic interaction of the underlying imbalanced energies between them. For someone without a physical body, there is no gravitational force to increase or decrease the imbalanced energies in them. So without a body, the spirits themselves only have memories and bonds of each other from when they were still alive, with a body. After that, the bond remains static, unchanging, stagnant, unevolving, unsustaining, etc.”

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