Differences of Different Spirits

Having spent a while interacting with ancestor spirits, instead of with the Archangels and guardian angels, I find that I can identify the differences between them now.

My ancestor spirits had been adjusted, so that their vibrations would not be uncomfortable to me, and that their imbalanced energies would not create tension with mine. This is with their consent, or else I wouldn’t be able to work with them for a prolong period of time.

The adjustments make them feel very different to me. It’s like they have been upgraded to Archangel grade, but without all the Archangel abilities. Depending on how much they released, some of them can now go to Source whereas before they were hovering on lower dimensions.

So with these adjustments, I still notice some distinctive differences between those who used to be humans and those who were never human, although they are fundamentally all just spirits. Those who were never humans, like the Archangels and the elementals, do not have imbalanced energies (with the exception of distressed elementals), though they may have very strong characteristics or personality, hence my interaction with them would never create any tension. Even if they get angry, I only register it as a form of communication, I don’t get triggered and my own imbalanced energies don’t get entangled with theirs since they don’t have any. Moreover, even if they are angry, I can still feel a sweetness, loveliness, lovingness, etc., underneath their emotion, and I am connected to that as I interact with them.

On the other hand, those who used to be humans, even if they were very evolved, could still trigger a tension with me and that feeling of being hooked into the push-pull effect of an imbalanced energy. But aside from this, in cases where their energy is not conflicting with mine, I feel that their logical side is a lot stronger. More specifically, there is a very noticeable force to their rational thinking. The Archangels can be rational and logical too, but there is no force behind it, as if their thinking and consideration did not come from much mental calculation and strategization, but rather, from effortless emanation of their presence. That planning, strategizing, analyzing, deciding, etc., is a mental process that is distinctly human and all that mental activities are propelled by an amount of force, effort, energy, etc. Moreover, different human spirits have different logical flow patterns, approaches to situations and problems, etc., but the elementals and the Archangels do not have much of a thought process, because when they interact with humans, they enter a role that is assigned to them, and they only fulfill that role when they respond. And obviously, humans don’t always do that–their minds can go wild at any moment.

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