Rare Evolutionary Opportunity for Deceased Human Spirits

A while ago, the part of the healing I did involved my mother’s spirit, because it was a DNA issue. Then there was a lot of family drama in the other dimensions, much like the drama of the British royal family–one family’s affair becoming an entire globe’s affair.

Because my mother’s spirit being close to be would affect my physical healing, so one of the options was to dismantle her spirit. But I said no. So after much commotion, she agreed to a few upgrades.

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First upgrade was to remove the part of her where it hooked on to me. This is the nature of a genetic bond, and when Sadhguru the Indian mystic said it’s better to cremate a deceased person to break the genetic bond, it made sense to me. And this was the main reason why my father, perhaps a couple decades ago, hired some specialists to exhume his father’s body which was interred a couple decades before in a different continent (I checked with my grandpa just now to see if he knew and remembered this event and he said “YES!”).

Then I asked, along the same line, “Did the arrangement improve our entire Liang’s tribe?”

“RECONSIDER.” This is how the purple section of the Valentine Radleigh’s card responded, which roughly meant, in most cases, that the general direction of my thought is correct, but some of the details are not.

“Oh, you mean, it didn’t affect the entire tribe, but only made you feel more comfortable?” I rephrased my question.


“So the more comfortable that you could sit, the easier it was for you to help your descendants?”


“If you want to say more, please go ahead,” I said, as I wasn’t sure if he wanted to elaborate or educate me, or if I could move on to a different topic.


So I listened, and this was what came through: “The kind of things that you do now is a lot more effective than the exhumation that your father did.” So I then repeated it back to him to see if I heard him right.


I asked for an elaboration: “You are raising the consciousness of the whole tribe.”


“The kind of evolution that we spirits are going through now, are affecting multiple generations, and thus is a very expansive enterprise. And the effect of this kind of evolution and transformation is something that can be passed down the generations.”


“Only because between us, there is a genetic bond, therefore this evolutionary effect can be passed down naturally?”


“Right now we are only focusing on working on your personal issues, using you as our training material, which in turn benefit both you and us.” My grandpa’s spirit, plus my other blood relatives’ spirits, are engaged in helping me because I am no longer using the Archangels anymore. But because their lineage is human spirit, which differs fundamentally from those celestial spirits who were never in a physical body, so their primary and natural purpose is not to assist humans the way that an angel does, instead, their primary existence is only for the purpose of their relationship with their loved ones–which is why I mentioned genetic bond–but aside from that purpose, they are not being assigned any official role or responsibility by Source or any higher dimension (YES!) or other galaxy or universe (YES!), unlike the Archangels, the elementals, and some other spirits that I don’t work with. All galaxies and universes share the same Source (YES), therefore they all share the same knowledge base and resource center (YES)–the Archangels and elementals being a type of support group, even though they work here on this planet, their intrinsic knowledge and ability is the resultant wisdom of another galaxy, universe, or planetary system (YES).


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Second upgrade was to raise mother’s vibrations. Specifically, it’s to add an extra outer layer to her spirit. Because ordinarily, the spirit of a deceased human carries some (negative) imbalanced energies such that if I have to communicate with them, the connection will pull my energy down, or their energy will drag me down (YES!). But that extra layer that the Archangels (YES) mounted on her spirit would hold up her energy, so that when she spoke, the emanation of her thoughts would not have an energetic downward effect, would not feel heavy, so that when I connected to her, my energy wouldn’t be pulled down (YES!).

But this was not the same arrangement as my other relatives’ spirits. The first batch of the spirits that converted had their vibrations raised several octaves higher than mine (YES!); one reason was to ensure my health safety, another reason was to help raise the vibrations of my physical space as I was releasing a lot of imbalanced energies (YES!).

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Third upgrade was to release the imbalanced energies that my mother held that triggered and entangled with mine. The most notable effect of this drastic transformation of her nature was that her spirit became very weak, because without those energies, she did not need to hold on to me emotionally anymore, which meant that her spirit had no purpose anymore. Unlike a human soul whose purpose is to evolve and graduate from this planet’s reincarnation game, a human spirit does not have any other purpose other than to be a human and then to continue on the human relationship with those who still miss them.

So I said, I needed her for emotional comfort. But that bored the hell out of her, because she had no other blood relatives as she cut off ties with her parents who disowned her, and she did not have any other offspring. So she tried to figure out what I needed in life and how she could be of assistance, and since I was and still am learning about the cosmos, so she decided to study the same thing, and thus she went about acquiring the necessary skills and knowledge (YES!), from Source or the Archangels or wherever (YES).

At that time, only my mother underwent such drastic transformation. Then my grandpa approached her a couple times for guidance (YES). Then having realized the height of her knowledge and ability, he voluntarily chose to transform, mainly because, from his perspective it was nearly impossible to grasp the things that she was teaching him (YES!). At the start, getting used to the transformation was quite challenging (YES!). It’s not easy to get over that bump, and would help ease the transition if there was someone to guide him (YES). Hence my mother. She was initially guided by the Archangels (YES!).

The way she guided him was half instruction, half watching (how she worked on me) (YES!). Then he started to communicate with me and guide me.

Later, a few more relatives’ spirits also voluntarily chose to convert, because grandpa had been delegating some tasks to them and teaching them at the same time. Now they have roughly developed a system or process of how to guide a converted spirit through that transition (YES!). And they are using me as their training wheel because I am learning, growing, healing, and evolving; which in effect makes them learn whatever is necessary to support me.

At a higher level, they have found a new purpose, not only to help me, but to help their other descendants. And their assistance is not limited to those who are genetically related to me. Anyone can invoke them, because their training and knowledge is geared toward assisting humans.

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