Conversation With Grandpa

I thought it was strange that my grandpa would approach my mother to ask her about me. So I asked him again, about what happened.

“I wondered why your energy kept changing, and the energetic activities were fast. Also, your mother was not as attached to you as before, so I was worried if something happened to your body. That’s why I went to ask her,” he explained.

“Was the change in my energy very obvious?” I wondered what it looked like at his end, with all the conscious release of imbalanced energies that I had been doing.


“How is my energy different from other people’s?” I asked.

“Usually people’s energy field is stable. But yours keep changing.”

“Okay, you mentioned that you went to her at least twice. Did you not understand her the first time? Or were you asking about something else the second time?”

“No, I did understand her the first time, and I was asking her the same question the second time, and yet again she told me the same thing.”

“Then you wanted to upgrade, like her?”

“I didn’t know that she had upgraded her spirit.”

“You didn’t notice?”

“No. For us spirit, she felt the same to us as before.”

“Did the Archangels upgrade you?”


“Did you need my soul’s approval?”


“Did you need someone’s approval?”

“The way it works for us is that we can go to Source to request an upgrade, but we must provide a legitimate reason.”

“Oh, and your reason was to take care of me?”

“No, I wouldn’t have to upgrade myself to do that. I could have done that being the way I was before. I had to say that I wanted to support you in your soul growth.”

Previously, when mother got upgraded, it was because that was the only way she could stay by me, just as Sadhguru implied, the deceased must be cremated to break the genetic bond, it was not safe for me to have her spirit always with me, and since I was asking the universe to heal me physically, the causes of ill health must be removed, hence she was force to either upgrade or to be dismantled.

But none of my other deceased relatives’ spirits needed to be upgraded. However, my grandpa chose to do so, because he wanted to take a closer look at what was going on with me.

Later, after he got upgraded, he came to me, not as an ancestor, but as a spirit helper. Because that was the reason why his request for Archangel-grade abilities and knowledge was granted, so after he them, he would have to help me. But I didn’t know about his choice until much later.

It was much later that I understood the difference between the role of an ancestor spirit and the role of a cosmic helper. Our relationship was not exactly a family relationship, but more of a “professional” relationship, and there were a few rules.

It was also much later that I understood what he meant when he said, “It was because of you that I was able to upgrade and see the world from a higher perspective.”

And it was also much later that I understood what he meant when he said, “All our relatives’ spirits got upgraded because of you.” They all had to use the same reason to request for the upgrade. They could use their newly acquired abilities and knowledge to help others too.

And it was also much later that I understood what my cousin Kun Kun meant when she said, “I’m so glad that I have a cousin like you.” At the time, I asked her why. She said, “Because I can learn so many things, because of you.” I wasn’t sure why she would suddenly see me in a different light, because when she was a human, I don’t think she treated me any different than an average human.

But one thing they had repeatedly mentioned, quite loudly, was the marvel of evolved consciousness. I know as a human I hear about the evolution of consciousness a lot, but I don’t think I am as amazed as they are about the magnificence of a highly evolved consciousness, maybe because I do not have any psychic ability, I cannot see what they see, so for me, I cannot see the magnificence of it.

So I asked grandpa a lot of questions about how my energy field looks like from his perspective, how my energetic activities look like, what is my soul trying to teach me, what is the point of the stone programming, etc.

I am just an ordinary human, half the time I don’t know what is happening to me. But they can see, especially from their Archangel-grade perspective and ability.

He explained to me that I need to learn to program stones to develop my potentials. I said I don’t know what my potentials are.

You have the ability to feel and know how the cosmos operate,” he said.

. . .

Grandpa is someone I have never met in person, and never will. And yet, circumstances have brought us opportunities to interact so closely, for us to talk about activities in our family pretty much every day, for us to know each other personally and at a higher perspective, etc.

It is very rare for someone to tell you what your talent and potential are, because in order for them to do that, they must really see you, not for who they are, but for who you are. And that kind of relationship is very rare to me. I cherish it very much. And I cherish it even more because he is my grandpa, someone who shares my genes, and I’m sure he sees me as a part of him.

“Do you find it more exciting and fun to have a heightened perspective and more abilities?” I asked, knowing that whatever skills and abilities that he needs to help me with, he can go to Source to get them.

“Well, I find my existence now more meaningful.”

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