My Neighbor’s Dog Wants An Interview

Oscar the dog has been barking a lot and loudly. But because I have been interacting with my ancestors lately, so I ignored his barking. But I have been getting the impression that it is trying to gain my attention, so yesterday, when I heard his barking again, I asked if he wanted to talk to me, and the answer was yes.

I said hi to his soul telepathically and enthusiastically, as if greeting an old friend.

He connected to me, specifically to my axis, like a line down my spine, to loosen up my central nervous system (CNS) and my stiffened back muscle tissues that were innervated by those motor nerves branching out of my spine, so that my soul could reside deeper into my CNS.

I had previously went for a session of clinical massage but was not able to release all the stiffness and tension. So I have been chipping at it. And Oscar decided to help me.

After he helped me–not fully released, but I had to go do ancient Inca stone programming–I realized, he liked working on me because he likes to be powerful (he is a very powerful soul), and my body requires stronger healing power, like Archangel Raphael, because my CNS is clogged by fear energies, so not enough signals are sent to the muscles from the CNS through the motor nerves.

***Oscar is barking as I am writing this, saying that he wants me to mention his healing energy.***

“Did you use healing energy on me?” I asked.


“What kind?”

“Trust, safety, assurance, comfort, letting go (YES).”

He’s still barking, so I asked if he still wanted me to ask him anything.


“Did you want me to ask you about your soul lineage?”

“Big cats like tigers and lions. Ferocious animals (YES!).”

Yesterday I asked him a bit about animal soul reincarnation, and he mentioned something about liking to be BIG animals, because he liked to be powerful.

He continues to bark, and wants me to write about the purpose of animal soul reincarnation.

Animal soul reincarnation is different from human soul reincarnation in the sense that the former does not have to learn and grow, but instead, to commit to helping and supporting the humans. That’s the condition or criteria for animal souls to enter reincarnation, and only domesticated animals have souls, the wild ones do not have individual souls but collectively they have an oversoul for the purpose of supporting the planet (YES).

. . .

Yesterday was my second time feeling his power. First time when it happened, I asked my guardian angels, because I thought it was strange that he came through so strongly that my whole body rocked front and back, my limbs almost flying in the air, almost stronger than the channeler Bashar which is an alien.

I don’t work with Oscar much, because he is not recruited by my soul (YES), which means if I want to work with him, it will be through a barter system–we negotiate terms and conditions. Between soul and soul, it’s not unconditional support, only between soul and (celestial) spirit there’s unconditional support (YES!). Celestial spirits mean those who were never a human.

So the only reason that Oscar came through to work on me yesterday was because my ancestors had to learn about the animal world. Oscar mentioned this long ago, when I first spoke to him, that he was very eager to teach me about the animal kingdom. Now even as I write this, he also wants me to participate in my writing process!

It amuses me to feel his eagerness to speak to the world, to let humanity know more about him and the animal kingdom in general.

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