About Imbalanced Energies

This article is intended to answer the following questions:

  1. What is an imbalanced energy?
  2. Why do you need to know?
  3. How to become aware of it?
  4. How to address it?

And finishes off with an example of an imbalanced life that is based on imbalanced energies.

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1) What is an imbalanced energy?

An imbalanced energy is excessive emotional energy that has not processed and therefore stays in the body as an imprint.  This imprint then becomes the underlying energy that propels our actions, reactions, thoughts, etc., toward a certain direction (desire or avoidance), and as these actions and thoughts repeatedly move in a certain direction, a certain modus operandi, behavioral pattern, and personality trait develop over time.

That is why Sadhguru the Indian mystic calls our body a collection of memory, as we are only acting out on our imprints, if we are not conscious.

So our body is a collection of many different imbalanced energies at many different levels; in different biological, psychological, neurological, energetic processes; in different body parts; each expressing itself differently based on the organ or process that it resides in.

2) Why do you need to know?

The reason we need to know that we are acting out on our imprints is because our unconscious choice in life may eventually lead us to an unfulfilled or stressful life, amassing a high future invisible costs to ourselves, our family, our workplace, etc., all because we did not act from a state of balance, a state of conscious awareness, a state of presence.

In other words, being present and balanced in our moment-to-moment existence has the benefit of creating a life and life path that leads to greater joy and satisfaction–a balanced state of mind and spirit.

You can think of a life that is built upon an imbalanced foundation like the Tower of Pisa. It was only a minor tilt at the foundation, but the higher it got, the more pronounced the leaning was, and up to a certain point, it could no longer go higher or else the whole thing tumbled. Your life is like that too where it seemed relatively inconsequential to have some imbalanced energies, which some people remedy through counter-balancing them with a set of offsetting imbalanced energies so they end up with two groups of imbalanced energies in a tug-of-war in a person instead of removing the initial group of imbalanced energies, but when you get to your mid life you experience a crash or crisis and cannot go on in the same direction anymore, or you just hit a glass ceiling and without knowing how to break through it you just have to surrender to it by being content with being limited.

Like the decade-long corrective work on the Tower of Pisa to guarantee its stability for the next 300 years, if you do healing and what not to your life after it crashes or as it is about to, then you would need to invest quite a lot of time, energy, money, effort in your remedial work, and even then, it may only give you stability for the next decade or so, and you wonder if your death would come before another crisis.

So to be aware of your imbalanced energies– you don’t need to be conscious of all of them, mainly those that you built your life upon, because they form your life themes which means they are the ones you repeatedly struggle with throughout your life–you give yourself the opportunity to evade an imbalanced life that looks like the Tower of Pisa, in which its mere existence, simply standing, is already stressful, because a large part of your available life energy has to be diverted to maintaining your equilibrium, instead of using those same resources for better things. In other words, the imbalanced energies that your life is based upon are eroding your resources, nourishments, joy, etc. So you become stressed, unhappy, unfulfilled, etc.

3) How to become aware of it?

By feeling. An imbalanced energy has an energetic pull to it. Sometimes it’s very uncomfortable, expressing itself as anger, frustration, indignation, despondency, agitation, fear, worry, doubt, anxiety, rumination, etc.

There is sometimes a bodily discomfort corresponding to the imbalance at the psychological level. That’s when there are too many imbalanced energies circulating and vibrating in the body, such that the body has to make noise to complain. Depending on the nature of the imbalanced energy, your body may experience a variety of different symptoms, eg., frequent urination, uneven or quick breathing, muscle soreness, stomachache, toothache, tooth falling, red eye, etc.

Some of these complaints may be sudden, some may be chronic. The latter usually means it’s a repeating theme, an imbalanced energy that is habitually reinforced, perhaps a belief that you’re holding.

Another possible way to detect an imbalanced energy would be to notice the imbalanced situation, person, object, job, money, etc., in your surroundings, doesn’t matter whether it is a recent event or a repeating event, because an imbalanced energy can manifest suddenly or repeatedly. An imbalanced object for example, would be the sudden malfunctioning of your car, or the illness of your pet. An imbalanced person you’re dealing with could be a conflict you have with someone. Note that it is not the thing itself that is imbalanced but your imbalanced energy as you deal with it that is manifesting itself as a problem to you. To phrase it more precisely, when you interact with a thing or person, your imbalanced energy circulate out to that target and your own energy reflects back to you as a problem. But we often mistake this for the other person or thing that is having the problem, when in fact it is you who has the seed to the problem. This is the whole purpose of promoting awareness of imbalanced energies, such that you address them within yourself instead of trying to fix the external object which is only reflecting what’s inside you.

4) How to address it?

To address the imbalanced energy is to heal, release, and balance it. For most people, if it is not a chronic and repeating theme in your life which permeates all aspects of your life, it is enough to just be aware of it inside yourself.

There are different levels to awareness:

Knowing it in theory, like what I am telling you now, is different from knowing it if you discover it within yourself. The latter has transformative power.

After knowing, feel it. Feel the intensity, texture, mood, ambience, temperature, image of the energy.

As you go down the layers, you see the energy in your earlier days, in your childhood, your embryonic stage, your zygote–your energy origination point. This would require many sessions of inner work on the same theme, but it is to address energies that are too intense, chronic, and pervasive.

For very stubborn imbalanced energies (they are sticky, and they make your energy circuitry or behavioral pattern very rigid), you would need to use various different release techniques.

For those energies that are jammed stuck at very deep layers in your body, you would need to dive deeper, using your inner perception. It is also possible to get someone to release it for you, if you don’t have the skill to scan the deeper layers. The imbalanced energy, at the molecular level, is a neurotransmitter, and each specific imbalanced energy has its own particular molecular properties and structure, so it manufactures your external reality in a very unique way.

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An example of an imbalanced life may be, choosing a profession that one does not like but feels that it will earn one a lot of money and therefore is a good life choice, and then building a career that one does not feel satisfied despite being very good at what one is doing, and then telling one’s children to pick a profession that will make one proud because that’s the basis that one used on oneself, etc.

The above is only one sentence but roughly summarizes some people’s life, and already there are at least half a dozen different imbalanced energies in it.

The attitude toward, belief, and definition of wealth, reputation, success, joy, etc., are all coming from a place of imbalance.

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