Step-by-Step Formation of The Neurological Pathways

Yesterday my Taiwanese teacher wrote about how our new behaviors and habits form new perception pathways in our brain’s neurons and nerve cells, through nerve fibers. I want to share some of her Chinese notes here, in green. The first part is basic knowledge, but as she went deeper into the example, there lies the key to changing your reality, and it’s intricately explained in layman’s terms.

Our new behavior or activity or learning will form a new pathway with new cognition and perception in our brain, and this pathway will form a conduction.

Let’s say in the midst of your schedule, whether you’re a student or a worker, you learn to relax and drink coffee at two o’clock. At the beginning of this habit formation, you may forget to do so, or you may be late in doing so, or you may be trying to figure out the right taste for your coffee. But seven days later, your body will unconsciously and naturally secrete the taste and feeling of the coffee, and also will engage in that familiar activity. In our brain’s neurons, the repeated activity, feeling, thought, sensation, etc., will form a new pathway. This new pathway naturally generates an information transmission, in the brain; and at the same time naturally creates the reality of going for coffee (plus other associated realities) at every two o’clock.

Let’s say in the last few days of making coffee, your supervisor was very nice to you, everything went smoothly, etc., the transmission of this group of information in your brain will extend to create other pathways, ie., the feeling of “drinking coffee” will create other good luck, people will treat you nicely, etc. Then this secondary series of pathways will continue to generate similar nerve conduction.

The concept of “idea growth” in Seth Material is exactly this type of feeling and sensation being endlessly expanding. Starting from the arrival of two o’clock there will be the habit of drinking coffee, then more or less some good things will happen, and you repeat this series every day.

Similarly, if you have someone you don’t like, when the time comes your brain will send signals to attract him to appear in front of you (when the information is swirling many times inside you, those atoms and molecules will overflow to your external environment to pull in the thing or person that has been appearing in your head), then he will do something you don’t like, then you get mad at him, then you continue to experience the content in this pathway, the content that says he’s a terrible person and your negative feeling about him, etc. So from this point on, it seems as if he has become an unalterable reality.

. . .

I experience the above in my healing process, where I go within to scan, release, and balance my imbalanced energies. Over time this process gets faster as my body builds memory of doing so, as if this process has become second nature to my cells.

As I go deeper and deeper into my unconscious, there are some extremely intense and stubborn, even explosive, energies that get illuminated by my conscious awareness, and that contact between my awareness and those deep-seated energies will automatically propel a series of healing activities. YES

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