Visiting Parallel Universe

During the past holiday season, I took a three-day course on developing our potentials. It’s a course that required us to dive into our parallel universe to acquire our special talents from past lifetimes as well to as to heal imprints. I have been diving into my parallel universe every day since then, and one of the many things I learned is why it is called a parallel universe.

When I look at my past lives, the story there is parallel to my story now in this lifetime, so the wounds there are bleeding through to this lifetime, which have the effects of acting like the psychological atmosphere or climate for this lifetime. That’s why some people’s unconscious stuffs are much thicker than others.

In 2017 I started going to a Rosen Method therapist for about 16 months, and what I learned was the skill to perceive but not the theory behind it. The therapist had a lot of experience and was very perceptive, but she couldn’t quite explain the things she was doing. Last year, I came to the understanding that my healing is mostly release, or more specifically, move unconscious to conscious. There are different energetic healings, some are like Violet Flame, high vibrations, balancing, negotiating, etc. These are all different methods and therefore have different effects. I came to discover the subtle differences of these different approaches through experience.

Then I understood why my teacher insisted us to follow her method–a series of steps comprising of relaxation, Vipassana, release, balance, extrapolation, etc.–because every step is necessary and serves a specific purpose. The molecular disintegration, which includes reading the molecular structure and chemical properties of a neurotransmitter, is part of the Vipassana step. I have also stepped outside of my teacher’s teachings to try some other methods, such as the riding method that Sadhguru mentioned or the observation method that Eckhart taught, but quickly went back to my teacher’s method because I needed something more thorough and effective to deal with my particular circumstances. This is not to say that other teachers’ methods are not effective, it’s just not the right methods for me at that point in time.

Now I am coming to the point of graduation at the soul level (of all lifetimes in the parallel universe). Because navigation in the parallel universe would eventually bring me to the question of why my soul had crafted all these different lifetimes with their unique life trajectories. What’s the point of all this? The question here is, what is my soul doing, not what is me the human doing.

At this point you are supposed to see that you have created all the problems and circumstances in your life. I am not quite there yet. I can only see why this would cause that, I am not able to see why I would want to cause that.

But one thing I have learned lately is that, while moving unconscious to conscious is to graduate, I have mostly been graduating individual lessons and not an entire lifetime at a time. More specifically, in the past I have been healing individual problems, and by doing so I have been able to heal the same problems in all lifetimes, because at the energetic level there is no time, so past present future happen simultaneously. Now I have been going to the parallel universe to move unconscious to conscious, which means to bring in the wounds as well as the potentials of each lifetime to this current lifetime, and when I have successfully migrate the contents, I have graduated from that lifetime.

So I have been graduating one lifetime at a time, but I haven’t advanced to the level where I know why my soul is doing all this. I have read and channeled information about soul activities, but knowledge acquisition through the cerebral and intellectual route is different from learning through experience.

But while I am still chasing the answer, I have acquired proficiency in diving into my unconscious, gaining more depth and breadth. And the volume I can release now is higher than before, plus the whole process of scan-release-heal-balance is faster than before.

One thing that I am also learning lately is to align the higher dimensions–the levels above the conscious level–to my goals and dreams, and then the activities in my unconscious level will follow suit. This is new to me because I have not encountered it in any form in other schools of thought. But with my teacher’s method, we are able to step on many levels of consciousness simultaneously. This is the process of becoming more and more present.

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