Releasing A Pattern of One-Sided Relationships

Today I released energies surrounding the theme of imbalanced relationship again. It is a set of molecules causing a pattern, and that pattern caused some emotions.

I have been working on this theme for a long time. Even as I looked at the students’ challenges in their teamwork, I noticed that some of the root causes were imbalanced relationships, though the exact pattern might be different from mine. So this is a very large and common topic that I am trying to study, understand, heal, etc.

Today’s pattern that I pulled out from my unconscious was predominantly in one of the vertebrae in my sacrum (the lower spine holds structural information about one’s relationship with family, tribe, and the outer world; all information about role, relationship pattern with constellation, rank, etc.):

  1. Once I get to know you, then you will have to behave a certain way toward me. I will unilaterally impose my standards and expectations (including my worldview, values, preferences, etc.) on you. In other words, you will have to revolve around me, my axis.
  2. I don’t need your explicit consent, and definitely do not expect or allow your disconsent. I just assume that you agree, and so I start activating a certain pattern or dynamic of interacting with you that you must follow and fulfill the role that I define for you in this dynamic.
  3. If or when you try to exit this dynamic, without my consent, I will try all methods to pull you back, absolutely disallowing your exit. Desperately clinging on to you, and if you manage to escape my grip, I will get mad and start attacking you.
  4. I will use all types of excuses to justify my attacking you, to prove that you are the one at fault.

. . .

My pattern has changed over time. It used to be so humongous that I got lost in the emotional cloud. Vipassana requires a psychological distancing from the atoms and molecules that make the event, situation, relationship, problem, etc.

In this pattern, there’s no human connection, and therefore people don’t see you, don’t hear you, don’t understand you, etc.

One of the common complaints of teamwork is miscommunication or lack of communication. I see it as a problem about listening, or inability to listen and understand, perhaps due to some misfit or misalignment in the constellation.

One response to “Releasing A Pattern of One-Sided Relationships”

  1. […] That violation is caused by imbalanced energies. The copyright is a legal tool to protect you in case you have energies of violation acting on you. Alternatively, you can also release the underlying energies to make the violation go away. The way to release them is to go into the unconscious layer where these energies reside, and consciously read and witness them, just like how I did in my prior post about one-sided relationships. […]


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