The Visible and Invisible Boundary of A Copyright

In a conversation with a friend today, the topic of copyright came up. Which part of your creative work do you want the public to freely distribute?

As I sit with the topic, an idea popped up–the border can be set energetically.

A couple years ago, when I was watching a video from a course about imbalanced energies, I wanted to share it with my friend whom I was living with temporarily. As part of our daily conversations, I would sometimes mention about the fascinating stuffs in my course, and she would be intrigued. So one day while she was preparing dinner, she suggested that I played the video on her tv screen. I logged into her iPhone and played the video there, and the output came alive on her big-screen tv. Then we would have discussions over some of the course material while having dinner. 

At the time, I thought, this is almost like paying the price of one, but getting the benefit for two people. Something is not quite right.

Shortly after, the teacher started to remind her students that her course material is copyrighted. At that time, I started to feel an energetic boundary. More specifically, I was not so inclined to share the material with my friend. Similarly, my friend also felt it unconsciously, in the sense that she no longer suggested that we watch the videos together. Instead, she would do her thing while I would do my thing.

Although a copyright is a legal concept with legal consequences, it is also an energy. You can set the boundary energetically without setting it legally in physicality. In the absence of other imbalanced energies, it usually would work. Below is an example of an imbalanced energy relating to copyright.

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A student in my teacher’s class inquired about an advanced level course, and her assistant replied that the course would only be open to those who had taken the intermediate level courses, to which the student said, “I have already taken those.”

The assistant checked that this student had never registered for any intermediate level courses. So she reconfirmed with the student.

“I took it with another teacher,” the student explained.

They then discovered that there was another student who had registered for the courses, then turned around to redistribute the course materials in her own courses, with no edits at all to the materials, not even the logo or company header. I don’t know if this should be classified as plagiarism or violation of copyright law, but in any case, that’s not the end of the story yet.

The plagiarizing student outright asked my teacher, “Can you have the course notes typed out for me?”

Not only was she copyrighting the content as is without the slightest effort of repackaging, she actually had the guts to go to the person she was copyrighting and outright asked for the materials to be given to her in a more convenient format that she could re-distribute (and take the money for it).

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That violation is caused by imbalanced energies. The copyright is a legal tool to protect you in case you have energies of violation acting on you. Alternatively, you can also release the underlying energies to make the violation go away. The way to release them is to go into the unconscious layer where these energies reside, and consciously read and witness them, just like how I did in my prior post about one-sided relationships.

Depending on the severity, magnitude, and complexity of the violation, the viewing may be fast or slow. If it is a really serious issue, you may need to dive into the unconscious layer multiple times, to scan the content and context that created the event. But if it is a minor skirmish, like what happened to me a couple of days ago on Facebook, it is really a quick fix.

After posting my question, comments from members started to trickle in. At one point there was a comment about something completely unrelated to my post, and it was asking me to go to a link. To me, that’s rubbish energy invading my space. But the question is, why would I have that?

So I did a brief scan in my mental space, not going very deep into my unconscious layer, and then I looked again, the comment disappeared on its own, as if like the rubbish self-eliminated from my territory.

This is the type of Vipassana I do and teach. 

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