New Learnings

I had intended to spend a couple months practicing my navigation skill in the parallel universe, but unexpectedly my attention had shifted to the spine a few weeks ago, and then lately I purchased three courses on the lungs and large intestine, so my focus had shifted again. The more I lose focus and deviate, the more I realize that my wandering is all part of a large project that I am working on at the energetic level.

Some of my highlights in the parallel universe were: (1) tracing the gene of my past life to understand her mother and how the mother affected her; (2) tracing the mechanics of the neurological pathways to trace how his trauma was recorded in his musculature and sense of movement; (3) feeling and acquiring the abilities, personality, presence of a past life; (4) grabbing the behavioral pattern of a group of past lives and heal the energies of the pattern without diving into all of the past lives, etc.

Some interesting observations I had about parallel universe were: (1) Feeling the energies of a past life is like feeling someone next door, whereas accessing the Akashic Records feels like something a little bit above my head. There is a difference in distance. (2) The imbalanced energies in the parallel universe feels like a 40% alcohol concentration drink whereas the imbalanced energies in this lifetime, even if it is deep and intense, usually feels like a 10% alcohol concentration drink. Once I have the power to process the 40%, I process the 10% with relative ease and swiftness.

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I worked on my lower spine briefly, mostly zooming in on constellation patterns imprinted there. Then I had the impulse to buy more courses, and while unsure of what to buy, I consulted my spiritual guide who pointed me to the lungs and large intestine, because I needed to expand. The one and only word that I heard loud and clear was expansion. In the first course, the course mentioned about expansion, extensively. Wow!

From that initial course, I now come face to face with my limitations, something that I had largely ignored as there were other problems claiming my attention previously.

My investment would grow up to a certain threshold and then could not expand further. My salary would grow up to a certain threshold and then stopped growing. My professional status would grow up to a certain threshold and then stopped. Everything and every direction I tried to branch out in my life would expand to a certain level and then stopped.

Despite my efforts to grow. I could keep pushing ahead, employing all kinds of strategies and tools, but not move an inch.

This pattern can lead to burnout. Energy leakage.

The first course is to heal the imbalances in yin and yang, endocrine system, autonomic system, CNS, vision, etc. Then suddenly I had an epiphany: do most suicides happen at night? I asked Google and it generated several results of suicides more likely to occur after midnight. Ah, I am right! 😉

I have finished “swallowing” the second course on lungs and large intestine yesterday. I was thinking of swallowing the third one, but I feel I need to allocate my time to “digestion” instead because it’s a very heavy course.

When I was purchasing the second course, I did not understand why the course curriculum mentioned inner vibrational touch and psychological time, as taught in Seth Material, but after going through the course I understand why they fall under lungs and large intestine.

The inner vibrational touch is something that I have already developed to some extent, because it is what I need to read past lives.

Psychological time is something that I had previously read about many years ago, but at the time I only understood the concept, I didn’t know how to use it or benefit from this concept. But what was surprising for me was that the elementals had already told me to do this last year. They said it differently, and only in one sentence or so, while my teacher said it in one day, with many explanations and guidance. Now I am crystal clear on this concept, and from this concept, I understand why Sadhguru said he could change his personality or persona like changing clothes. Now I know how.

But when I used psychological time, I did it differently. Instead of building something new, I used it to clear something old first. A bit like home renovation.

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I’m offering private and group online lessons. The core principle of my practice is to return to a state of balance, by reading and balancing many levels of the body, in this lifetime and in other lifetimes. There is a large body of foundational knowledge that forms the science of life energy, upon which the following material is based on. But my teaching approach attempts to simplify the learning process by giving you the below without having you go through a couple years of learning of foundational knowledge, instead I will build up your foundation as I give you the below intermediate level material, so there will be some degree of digression depending on how much foundation you need me to build for you.

1. Parallel universe. Accessing this dimension requires a bit of familiarity with the inner senses. The benefits of accessing the parallel universe include acquiring abilities and potentials, graduating lessons the soul has been repeating multiple lifetimes to facilitate conscious soul evolution, healing energies and patterns that are bleeding through to current life, etc.

2. Zygote and germ layers. Starting points of our imbalanced energies in this lifetime, at the information state, energy state, and liquid state. Reading the energies at these points help to heal chronic issues, to exit stuckness that makes you feel trapped.

3. Neurotransmitters are molecules that circulate in the water element of our body that carry our imbalanced energies in the form of feelings, thoughts, memories, images, etc. They form our imbalanced patterns, which then form imbalanced relationships, which then form bodily disorders and other problems.

4. Twelve senses. The bridge between our inner and outer world. How we can heal the bridge to change our outer reality–relationship, money, job, home, etc.

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