Reading Genes in Zygote

Lately I have been reading imbalanced energies in my existence as a zygote, and doing so in a few different ways. There are many unexpected discoveries about my parents, as a lot of those information relate only to the time in their lives before I was born. Here is one that fascinates me.

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Mother’s side: The air of that place does not suit her because the smell and smoke from the cooking of the Indian people chokes her, so she keeps coughing and sneezing and hiccuping. Every meal time she will be choked. The cook ignores her and continues cooking, because the Indians expect her to get used to it and accept this as part of her home.

Father’s side: He can deter some strange odor, but does not react to it, only pretends it’s nothing.

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In the above gene pairing, the egg brings with it a lot of imbalanced energies. Mother is sensitive to the thick smoke from cooking with reused oil in repeated deep-frying. When I dive in to the molecular structure of that smell to read the meaning, it’s something about no personal space in a family setting where too many people live closely together and human relationships are tightly interwoven.

When I think of my own bodily reaction to this kind of smell and smoke, I get nauseous from the thickness and denseness of that molecular structure. That thickness and denseness is caused by repeated heating which although breaks down the oil molecule but then the broken down parts are positioned closer together and they do so for stability. So the molecules are very squished.

The genes instruct the molecules to bind in this fashion, and the formula for that molecular configuration is the constellation pattern of the family. In other words, this is the genetic instruction for family bond.

My mother’s genes do not have such tight family bonding, she repulses it, because her relationship with family is filled with suffocating obligations.

In my connection pathways where I have the derivative of this genetic information, I sense suffocation, from suppressed expression. For example, only you can talk, I cannot. So I have strong repulsion against it, but I cannot express my anger, and the suppression comes from the threat of punishment and aggression.

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This gene pairing also affects my sense of smell, because the above imbalanced energies are landing in my nose and breathing function. So releasing this energy from zygote will also release it from its multiple destinations as well as its many intermediate transit stations.

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