Healing Mitochondria in Zygote

As I was doing my usual practice of reading imbalanced energies in the genes in my zygote, I soon came across some energies that came only from the egg. They’re not in a pair or multiple pairs of genes in zygote, so then I zoomed in to the mitochondria.

I never learned healing on the mitochondria in the zygote. When my teacher taught us to release imbalanced energies in the zygote, she’s only reading the egg and the sperm, and usually in pairs. But mitochondrial information is only passed down the maternal line, so there is no corresponding match on the sperm’s side for me to read.

Without first having a clear roadmap of how to proceed, I was already picking up on the imbalanced energies coming from the mitochondria, so after I finished pulling, I tried to figure out where exactly was I. Then I realized the effect of this healing is more pervasive than healing a pair of gene, because the mitochondrial information affects a large number of cells in the body, compared to say the liver which only takes a pair of genes to form.

After reading the imbalanced energies, I had to follow its cascading effects because it’s too vast, and if I just let the energy flow by itself, it would take too long to thoroughly flush through my physical body. But when I tried to scan for its downward effects, it immediately branched out into several locations. Again, very pervasive.

I only looked at some of the more serious problems. The energy is really heavy, depressive, exhausting, etc. Then after I finished viewing, I still had this feeling of exhaustion. It’s too much. I can’t do anymore. I can’t do anything. Compared to all my other healing, this one feels very overwhelming.

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