The Energy of Gaining Altitude

In the last little while I have wanted to write about my progress and growth, but every time when I want to do this I am washed over by a wave of new learnings, new experiments, new discoveries, etc. So in the back of my mind, I have accumulated some insight about the growth process, and in this period I am constantly tapping into this growth energy. It is strictly an energy of growth, not the content of my growth.

Regardless of what we invest our attention in, we start with the technicalities, which means we learn the steps and procedures, and then we follow them. After we have built the neuro paths for this and have reached a certain level of proficiency, we enter into a creative, innovative, trouble-shooting, problem-solving, experimental phase where we branch out a little bit more to try something a bit more challenging. After this phase we move into a philosophical, conceptual, ethical phase where we gain a certain altitude and also detachment from the technical level.

The above cycle can take several years or several days, depending on the scale of our undertaking. But in each major cycle there would be inevitably some minor cycles of learning, exploring, understanding. And the completion of each cycle, regardless of major or minor, is better done with a kind of “conclusion”, in whatever format suits you, so that the closure can be properly configured as the new base for your new cycle.

This is why I am writing this article, because in the last few rounds of growth, I had chosen not to properly close each learning cycle and then I find that this accumulation of “pending closure” is coming up to me, almost like when you are about to drown and you watch the water level rise up to your nose.

As I proceed to do other experiments, discoveries, etc., I find that there is something not properly set, like your flooring is not properly installed and when you step on it, it doesn’t feel very grounding and comfortable. But what I really want to write about in this article is not the content of my learning but the growth energy itself, which I am feeling very intimately right now as a force that is quite life-giving. But this energy is not the same as when you put a seed into the soil in the spring and then it sprouts. This energy is more like the growth in height of an old tree. Although the new leaves and branches on top of the old tree are new and fresh, they actually carry a kind of maturation energy because they sit atop the maturity of every leaf and branch below them.

This maturity carries the record of age, but more specifically, the kind of experience this tree has, the kind of sunshine or rain or wind or temperature that it has endured, all of which have helped to shape its current state.

I am at this stage right now. Me the human and my soul are both arriving at this stage in our evolutionary path–the ripening of consciousness. We are now synchronizing our steps such that my future steps are more closely coming from and directed by my soul. This means that up until this point my soul has been sitting at the side watching me do healing, and that healing journey is a training that I need in order to operate at the soul level.

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