Terror and Anxiety

A French penpal mentioned therapeutic fasting as recommended by Dr Guillaume Fond to treat anxiety and depression. I asked my penpal two questions:

a) Is this a permanent cure?

b) How do you decide how often or when to fast?

He said his friend fasts once a week, and he does it a few times a year. He said he felt less anxious, and not as often, but when the anxiety comes back, he’ll fast again to get rid of it.

. . .

Today I was consciously releasing some imbalanced energies relating to human connections, and found that there were some imprints of terror that resulted in anxiety.

One of my imprints of terror came from my mother roaring at me ferociously when I didn’t write the letter g properly and it looked like the number 9. I was probably four-year-old, but this has been an image that I have repeatedly gone back to heal, because the aggression and threat were too intense, that the energies got stuck to my limbic system, and were perpetually circulating throughout my body for decades, manifesting as general anxiety.

After tuning into the energies consciously, I used the programmed stones to pass energy to the Source dimension and then from there to the rock salt, then to my body, to clear the loosened up energies. Then I brought the energy from the rock salt into the water conduction function of my kidneys, to loosen up the water molecules in my body. Old, stuck, and trapped emotions tend to cause water molecules to be sticky, making the emotions hardly to flush out of the body.

After a while, I zoomed in to the grief that was stuck to the terror, and used the energy from the rock salt to loosening the molecular memory bonding them. Then I sensed shame and inferiority, and I went through the same procedure with the rock salt. Then I sensed a kind of coping pattern of shutting myself down, cutting myself off from others, as a self-protection mechanism. Then I went through the same procedure with the rock salt.

Now I am having a mild stomachache. Seems like the energies have cycled through some of the biological processes and now something needs to come out physically.

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