Instant Noodles, My Sense of Taste Healing

About two weeks ago, I bought ten packages of instant noodles, and it was the first time in my life that I bought instant noodles. I had eaten them at other places before, but I never bought them because I thought they were unhealthy. Then somewhere along my healing journey, my rejection of them was released. I didn’t specifically release the rejection of instant noodles, I released the atoms and molecules of rejection.

And what brought me to have the cravings for them was because of my childhood memory of living at my relatives’ apartment. One morning, they made instant noodles for breakfast, and we kids had to rush to finish breakfast before they drive us to school. So there was a heap of steaming hot noodles on the dining table, and I just stared at it, not knowing what to do with it, because in my own home my mother would not cook instant noodles, so I wasn’t sure how it was served. Then one of my relatives scoop a serving of it onto a plate for me. It’s boiled but without soup, the water was drained, and we ate it by mixing it with the flavor powder.

My first taste of it, “Wow!”

So I bought the noodles, same brand–Maggi–as it was the type of noodles I still prefer, although my friends prefer other brands. I cooked it the same way my relatives did. But the flavor packages are not the same as before, I am sure, although I don’t remember what flavor I was first fed with. Doesn’t matter, all MSG tastes the same. I bought the Tom Yum flavor.

Now as an adult when I first tasted it again, I gained some insight into my cravings. There were some emotional energies that came to my conscious awareness and got processed.

As a child I was raised quite strictly by my mother, so a lot of what I wanted and needed were denied, including emotional nourishments. As an adult this strict denial and deprivation continued to exist in me, either by me treating myself this way, or others treating me this way. My sense of taste had affected my sense of self.

It seems fashionable to talk about attracting abundance, but without the conscious release of the blocks or rejection against nourishment, you cannot attract abundance. Because the atoms and molecules of rejection are the ones pushing the abundance away as you try to attract them.

My mother was not a very good cook. I had no memory of ever having breakfast when I lived with her. The food must have been so forgettable for me to blank out so thoroughly. And when I did my release relating to taste, it was quite heavy, tremendous sorrow from being deprived by the one who was supposed to provide.

. . .

I only ate the instant noodles drained once, because I only needed to go through the experience once to understand the energies behind my cravings. After that it was to awaken my taste buds more, to be more perceptive to nuanced flavors, to build more nerves relating to taste, to enjoy my food more instead of mechanically eating while multi-tasking, etc.

3 responses to “Instant Noodles, My Sense of Taste Healing”

  1. Hi Wanchain, a very powerful and interesting share, thank you. I wonder if you could also see that your mom did save you from this unhealthy food even though it was not her intention?I am always looking for the positive side, which is a positive outcome – even if not intended by the people involved. Kind regards



    1. Yes Jutta, she did her best in raising me, often with good intentions. I still have a lot of imbalanced energies to release about this.


  2. […] her meals had no taste such that I had no memory of a happy meal with her. Then when I healed my sense of taste with instant noodles, I released a lot of sadness relating to being […]


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